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Importing transactions into ProRata
QuickBooks Online
Importing invoices and sales receipts from QuickBooks
Importing invoices and sales receipts from QuickBooks

How to import invoices and sales receipt from QuickBooks Online into ProRata

Rob Farmer avatar
Written by Rob Farmer
Updated over a week ago

First time refresh

The first time you pull transactions from QuickBooks can take between a few minutes and up to an hour or longer depending on how many invoices, sales receipts, credit memos and refund receipts you have.

Click the Refresh button then grab a cup o' joe. You can periodically refresh your browser to see how many invoices, sales receipts, etc. have been imported.

Searching and sorting

You can search transactions by customer name or transaction number. You can also choose how to sort the results with the default being the most recently updated first.


  • Pending - Transactions are considered pending until you either import or skip them.

  • Completed - Transactions will show up under Completed once they have been imported.

  • Skipped - You can skip transactions if you want to ignore them. You can always import them later.


  • Product - ProRata will try to match the product based on your settings. If one hasn't been selected then you will need to choose one.

  • Dates - Choose the start/end or recognition date for this subscription. ProRata will use these dates when generating the revenue schedule.

  • Billing Frequency - If the subscription is being invoiced more than once (for instance an Annual contract billed Quarterly), then choose the billing frequency from the dropdown. ProRata will automatically calculate the Bookings based on your selection.

  • Bookings - This represents the total amount of the contract for this subscription. If you are billing 100% up front it will be the same as the billings or invoiced amount. If you are billing more frequently, say quarterly, then this amount will need to be adjusted. ProRata uses the bookings amount when generating revenue schedules.

  • Billings Discount - If you have included other line items as discounts they will be added up and entered here. You can also manually enter any discounts yourself.

Go ahead and click the Import button to import your selected items. You can go to the Customer and view details about the subscription.

Automated Mode

If you have chosen Automated in your settings then ProRata will use the rules you specified to try to guess all the fields needed to import your revenue. In the event that ProRata could not import based on the rules, it will remain in Pending.


You can always skip a transaction you do not need to import into ProRata. If you need help skipping a large number of transactions please contact us for help.

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