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Products and services

Creating or modifying products and services in ProRata

Rob Farmer avatar
Written by Rob Farmer
Updated over a week ago


Choose whether or not this product should be considered recurring revenue. Unchecking this will configure the product to be a one-time fee and have revenue recognized on a specific date.


Default term length in months for this product. ProRata uses this to determine the start and end date for subscriptions.


Default price for this product. If you are importing transactions from an external source this value will be overridden with the value on the transaction. 

Deferred Revenue and Income Accounts

You can choose the deferred revenue and income accounts that ProRata will use for monthly journal entries for this specific product. You can also choose to use your default accounts.

Discount Item

You can specify a discount item that should be applied to this product when importing transactions from external sources such as QuickBooks.

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